The Third Day of #SADDmas!

by Rachael Pishtek

   My name is Miranda and I have been involved in SADD for the past seven years. I was an active member in junior high and ran for NLAB (Northern Lights Advisory Board) as soon as I possibly could, serving on the board for three years - this year as the NL SADD Student of the Year.

   To me, the most important thing that Northern Lights SADD offers students is a safe place to be themselves. In my own battles with depression, anxiety and panic attacks - I have appreciated the programs that NLYS offers that show students like me that I am not alone. In the county where I live, we have some of the highest suicide and underage drinking rates in the state. SADD provides programs that show you don’t have to partake in dangerous activities or feel alone.

   Mental health is a topic that many students and young adults are passionate about, and programs like SADD Cares that has been provided but Northern Lights show love to all students in a community - not just SADD students. This is an important activity, as many students do not realize how many people actually care about them. I would like for Northern Lights to continue its mission in educating students on substance abuse and where they can find help - in order to accomplish this wish, I would like for you to assist by donating today here.

By clicking here, you can help students in your own community live a positive life and look towards a bright future!

About the Author

Rachael Pishtek

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